When you need an insurance policy, you don’t want just cookie-cutter coverage provided by an insurance company that only cares about your money. At Glover Insurance Agency, our number-one priority is YOU. As a local, independent agency in Gloversville, NY, we work with families and businesses in our community. Whether you’re a new or existing customer, we take the time to build a relationship with you, so we can build you a customized insurance policy. We are connected with leading insurance providers and will shop the policies to find the coverage you need at the best possible price.
Flexible Hours, 7 Days A Week, To Fit Your Schedule!
The Coverage You Need at the Rates You Want
Home Insurance
Auto Insurance
● Cars, Trucks & Vans
● Motorcycles
● ATVs
● Classic Cars
● RV & Mobile Homes
● Boats & Watercraft
Life Insurance
● Term Life Insurance: set to cover a specific time period of your life.
● Whole Life Insurance: covers you for the duration of your life.
● Universal Life Insurance: a type of whole life insurance that includes flexible premiums, death benefit, and savings and investment opportunities.
Business Insurance
For more information about our insurance options, or to schedule an appointment, give us a call today at (518) 921-4421, or fill out the form and we will be in touch soon!
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Glover Insurance Agency
(518) 752-5043
Office Hours
Monday - Friday 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Weekends by Appointment